Here are some suggestions of useful information to collect before your call to better assist us in determining your needs.
1. Make, model number and serial number are useful and are usually located on the rear of the laser head and/or power supply.
If you have an RPC (Remote Power Control) or use Remote Cooling, be sure to let us know.
2. Can you describe the problem? Low power, unit is not lasing, popping sound in power supply, etc. This will assist us in troubleshooting and assessing possible repair needs.
3. If necessary a RMA number (Return Merchandise Authorization) will be given. Keep this number available and refer to it in correspondence if necessary.
4. If repairs are needed, the original shipping boxes and packing material should be used if possible. We can send you new boxes if necessary. Improper packaging may cause damages beyond what is expected. The preferred shipping method is air carrier, as ground transportation may jar, misalign or damage internal items further. We can recommend a carrier if you desire.